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Atlas switching control modes

david20120720 edited this page Mar 18, 2018 · 1 revision


Note: In recent versions of DRCSim, the demo program provided in this tutorial will cause the robot to fall over when trying to walk. Patches to fix that problem are most welcome!

This tutorial will explain how to use the BDI-provided behavior library to control the Atlas robot, and how to switch between behavior-library control and your own controller.


The robot offers two gross modes of control:

BDI mode: send a high-level goal, such as stand or walk, to BDI's behavior library ROS topic: /atlas/atlas_sim_interface_command message type: atlas/AtlasSimInterfaceCommand user mode: send setpoints and gains to the PID controllers that are running on each joint. ROS topic: /atlas/atlas_command message type: atlas/AtlasCommand You can mix and match these modes on a per-joint basis. Each message type has a k_effort array, with one element per joint. To exert BDI-mode control for joint i, set k_effort[i] to 0; for user-mode control, set it to 255. In this way, you can, for example, ask the BDI library to stand but then control the arms yourself. Note that some (perhaps many) combinations don't make sense, e.g., asking the BDI library to walk but retaining user-mode control of one of the legs.

You should always begin and end BDI-mode control in the stand mode. We'll cover this below in the example.


There aren't special requirements beyond running drcsim >= 2.5.x with gazebo >= 1.7.y. Be sure to start with the usual shell setup: source /usr/share/drcsim/ Let's bring the robot up in a world with some stuff in it:

roslaunch drcsim_gazebo qual_task_1.launch

The demo

What follows is, in a way, the worst sort of robot program: a single sequence of steps, executed open loop based on timers and without any feedback. But it will serve to illustrate the point of this tutorial, which is how to manage BDI mode and User mode control of the Atlas robot.

This program proceeds in 4 steps:

Switch to BDI STAND mode. Note that this step is undertaken in two parts: Ask for STAND_PREP mode, but retain User mode control of all joints. Wait a little bit to let the BDI library get ready to stand. Ask for STAND mode, handing control of all joints to BDI. Take control of some of the arm and neck joints and move them to new positions. This is done while leaving the rest of the robot in BDI mode. We're starting to challenge the STAND mode by moving the arms, but the robot should not fall over. Ask for WALK mode, sending the robot forward 4 steps. This is done while retaining User mode control of a few joints. We're really challenging the WALK mode by keeping control of the arms, but it mostly succeeds. Note that BDI mode expects foot poses to be expressed in the world frame; we first express them in the robot's ego-centric frame and then transform them into the world frame using received data from /atlas/imu and /atlas/atlas_sim_interface_state. Send the robot back to home in full User mode. To summarize, this program shows how to go from full User mode to full BDI mode to mixed User/BDI mode and back to full User mode. Many other sequences of transitions are possible.

Creating ROS environment to launch demo

For running the demo script a minimal ROS setup is needed. Use a directory under ROS_PACKAGE_PATH and follow the instructions to create a package there:

. /usr/share/drcsim/
cd ~/ros
roscreate-pkg control_mode_switch atlas_msgs rospy python_orocos_kdl
roscd control_mode_switch
# copy the python script below with name
chmod +x
# To run the demo:

The code

Here is the python demo script (downloadable here) that implements the instructions detailed in this section:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import roslib
import rospy
import time
from atlas_msgs.msg import AtlasCommand, AtlasSimInterfaceCommand, AtlasSimInterfaceState, AtlasState, AtlasBehaviorStepData
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
import PyKDL
from tf_conversions import posemath

class Demo:

    def __init__(self):
        self.NUM_JOINTS = 28
        # Latest message from /atlas/atlas_sim_interface_state
        self.asis_msg = None
        # Latest message from /atlas/imu
        self.imu_msg = None

        # Set up publishers / subscribers
        self.ac_pub = rospy.Publisher('atlas/atlas_command', AtlasCommand, queue_size=1)
        self.asic_pub = rospy.Publisher('atlas/atlas_sim_interface_command', 
          AtlasSimInterfaceCommand, queue_size=1)
        self.asis_sub = rospy.Subscriber('atlas/atlas_sim_interface_state', 
          AtlasSimInterfaceState, self.state_cb)
        self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber('atlas/imu', 
          Imu, self.imu_cb)
        # Wait for subscribers to hook up, lest they miss our commands

    def state_cb(self, msg):
        self.asis_msg = msg

    def imu_cb(self, msg):
        self.imu_msg = msg

    def demo(self):
        # Step 1: Go to stand-prep pose under user control
        stand_prep_msg = AtlasCommand()
        # Always insert current time
        stand_prep_msg.header.stamp =
        # Assign some position and gain values that will get us there.
        stand_prep_msg.position = [2.438504816382192e-05, 0.0015186156379058957, 9.983908967114985e-06, -0.0010675729718059301, -0.0003740221436601132, 0.06201673671603203, -0.2333149015903473, 0.5181407332420349, -0.27610817551612854, -0.062101610004901886, 0.00035181696875952184, -0.06218484416604042, -0.2332201600074768, 0.51811283826828, -0.2762000858783722, 0.06211360543966293, 0.29983898997306824, -1.303462266921997, 2.0007927417755127, 0.49823325872421265, 0.0003098883025813848, -0.0044272784143686295, 0.29982614517211914, 1.3034454584121704, 2.000779867172241, -0.498238742351532, 0.0003156556049361825, 0.004448802210390568]
        stand_prep_msg.velocity = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        stand_prep_msg.effort = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        stand_prep_msg.k_effort = [255] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        # Publish and give time to take effect
        print('[USER] Going to stand prep position...')

        # Step 2: Request BDI stand mode
        stand_msg = AtlasSimInterfaceCommand()
        # Always insert current time
        stand_msg.header.stamp =
        # Tell it to stand
        stand_msg.behavior = stand_msg.STAND_PREP
        # Set k_effort = [255] to indicate that we still want all joints under user
        # control.  The stand behavior needs a few iterations before it start
        # outputting force values.
        stand_msg.k_effort = [255] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        # Publish and give time to take effect
        print('[USER] Warming up BDI stand...')
        # Now switch to stand
        stand_msg.behavior = stand_msg.STAND
        # Set k_effort = [0] to indicate that we want all joints under BDI control
        stand_msg.k_effort = [0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        # Publish and give time to take effect
        print('[BDI] Standing...')

        # Step 3: Move the arms and head a little (not too much; don't want to fall
        # over)
        slight_movement_msg = AtlasCommand()
        # Always insert current time
        slight_movement_msg.header.stamp =
        # Start with 0.0 and set values for the joints that we want to control
        slight_movement_msg.position = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.position[AtlasState.neck_ry] = -0.1
        slight_movement_msg.position[AtlasState.l_arm_ely] = 2.1
        slight_movement_msg.position[AtlasState.l_arm_wrx] = -0.1
        slight_movement_msg.position[AtlasState.r_arm_ely] = 2.1
        slight_movement_msg.position[AtlasState.r_arm_wrx] = -0.1
        slight_movement_msg.velocity = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.effort = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.kp_position = [20.0, 4000.0, 2000.0, 20.0, 5.0, 100.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 900.0, 300.0, 5.0, 100.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 900.0, 300.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 200.0, 200.0, 50.0, 100.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 200.0, 200.0, 50.0, 100.0]
        slight_movement_msg.ki_position = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.kd_position = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        # Bump up kp_velocity to reduce the jerkiness of the transition
        stand_prep_msg.kp_velocity = [50.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.i_effort_min = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.i_effort_max = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS 
        # Set k_effort = [1] for the joints that we want to control.
        # BDI has control of the other joints
        slight_movement_msg.k_effort = [0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        slight_movement_msg.k_effort[AtlasState.neck_ry] = 255
        slight_movement_msg.k_effort[AtlasState.l_arm_ely] = 255
        slight_movement_msg.k_effort[AtlasState.l_arm_wrx] = 255
        slight_movement_msg.k_effort[AtlasState.r_arm_ely] = 255
        slight_movement_msg.k_effort[AtlasState.r_arm_wrx] = 255
        # Publish and give time to take effect
        print('[USER/BDI] Command neck and arms...')

        # Step 4: Request BDI walk
        walk_msg = AtlasSimInterfaceCommand()
        # Always insert current time
        walk_msg.header.stamp =
        # Tell it to walk
        walk_msg.behavior = walk_msg.WALK
        walk_msg.walk_params.use_demo_walk = False
        # Fill in some steps
        for i in range(4):
            step_data = AtlasBehaviorStepData()
            # Steps are indexed starting at 1
            step_data.step_index = i+1
            # 0 = left, 1 = right
            step_data.foot_index = i%2
            # 0.3 is a good number
            step_data.swing_height = 0.3
            # 0.63 is a good number
            step_data.duration = 0.63
            # We'll specify desired foot poses in ego-centric frame then
            # transform them into the robot's world frame.
            # Match feet so that we end with them together
            step_data.pose.position.x = (1+i/2)*0.25
            # Step 0.15m to either side of center, alternating with feet
            step_data.pose.position.y = 0.15 if (i%2==0) else -0.15
            step_data.pose.position.z = 0.0
            # Point those feet straight ahead
            step_data.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            step_data.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            step_data.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
            step_data.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
            # Transform this foot pose according to robot's
            # current estimated pose in the world, which is a combination of IMU
            # and internal position estimation.
            f1 = posemath.fromMsg(step_data.pose)
            f2 = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(self.imu_msg.orientation.x,
            f = f2 * f1
            step_data.pose = posemath.toMsg(f)
            walk_msg.walk_params.step_queue[i] = step_data
        # Use the same k_effort from the last step, to retain user control over some
        # joints. BDI has control of the other joints.
        walk_msg.k_effort = slight_movement_msg.k_effort
        # Publish and give time to take effect
        print('[USER/BDI] Walking...')

        # Step 5: Go back to home pose under user control
        home_msg = AtlasCommand()
        # Always insert current time
        home_msg.header.stamp =
        # Assign some position and gain values that will get us there.
        home_msg.position = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        home_msg.velocity = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        home_msg.effort = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        home_msg.kp_position = [20.0, 4000.0, 2000.0, 20.0, 5.0, 100.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 900.0, 300.0, 5.0, 100.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 900.0, 300.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 200.0, 200.0, 50.0, 100.0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 200.0, 200.0, 50.0, 100.0]
        home_msg.ki_position = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        home_msg.kd_position = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        # Bump up kp_velocity to reduce the jerkiness of the transition
        home_msg.kp_velocity = [50.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        home_msg.i_effort_min = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        home_msg.i_effort_max = [0.0] * self.NUM_JOINTS 
        # Set k_effort = [1] to indicate that we want all joints under user control
        home_msg.k_effort = [255] * self.NUM_JOINTS
        # Publish and give time to take effect
        print('[USER] Going to home position...')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = Demo()

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