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eterpega edited this page Mar 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Ubuntu and ROS Kinetic (미완성 / 몇개의 디버깅 필요)

Here we'll explain how to build drcsim from source. You will need a working installation of gazebo, explained in the previous section.

1. Configure your system to install packages from ROS Kinetic. E.g., on xenial:

    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
    wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

2. Install compile-time prerequisites:

sudo apt-get update
# Install osrf-common's dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y cmake               \
                        debhelper           \
                        ros-kinetic-ros      \
# Install sandia-hand's dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y ros-kinetic-xacro        \
                        ros-kinetic-ros          \
                        ros-kinetic-image-common \
                        ros-kinetic-ros-comm     \
                        ros-kinetic-common-msgs  \
                        libboost-dev            \
                        avr-libc                \
                        gcc-avr                 \
# Install gazebo-ros-pkgs
sudo apt-get install -y libtinyxml-dev                 \
                        ros-kinetic-vision-opencv       \
                        ros-kinetic-angles              \
                        ros-kinetic-cv-bridge           \

                        ros-kinetic-dynamic-reconfigure \
                        ros-kinetic-geometry-msgs       \
                        ros-kinetic-image-transport     \
                        ros-kinetic-message-generation  \
                        ros-kinetic-nav-msgs            \
                        ros-kinetic-nodelet             \
                        ros-kinetic-pcl-conversions     \
                        ros-kinetic-pcl-ros             \
                        ros-kinetic-polled-camera       \
                        ros-kinetic-rosconsole          \
                        ros-kinetic-rosgraph-msgs       \
                        ros-kinetic-sensor-msgs         \
                        ros-kinetic-trajectory-msgs     \
                        ros-kinetic-urdf                \
                        ros-kinetic-dynamic-reconfigure \
                        ros-kinetic-rosgraph-msgs       \
                        ros-kinetic-tf                  \

indigo에는 있고 kinetic에는 없다? ros-kinetic-driver-base


# Install drcsim's dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y cmake debhelper                          \
                     ros-kinetic-std-msgs ros-kinetic-common-msgs  \
                     ros-kinetic-image-common ros-kinetic-geometry \
                     ros-kinetic-ros-control                      \

                     ros-kinetic-robot-state-publisher            \
                     ros-kinetic-image-pipeline                   \
                     ros-kinetic-image-transport-plugins          \
                     ros-kinetic-compressed-depth-image-transport \
                     ros-kinetic-compressed-image-transport       \
                     ros-kinetic-theora-image-transport           \

indigo에는 있고 kinetic에는 없다? ros-kinetic-geometry-experimental


3. Create the catkin workspace Default branches of ros gazebo plugins, osrf-common, sandia-hand and drcsim will be included into the workspace.

 # Setup the workspace
 mkdir -p /tmp/ws/src
 cd /tmp/ws/src
 # Download needed software
 git clone
 hg clone
 hg clone
 hg clone
 # Change to the *kinetic* branch in gazebo_ros_pkgs
 cd gazebo_ros_pkgs
 git checkout kinetic-devel
 cd ..
 # Source ros distro's setup.bash
 source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
 # Build and install into workspace
 cd /tmp/ws
 catkin_make install

4. Run from the catkin workspace

 # Source the setup from workspace
 source /tmp/ws/install/setup.bash
 # Source drcsim setup file
 source /tmp/ws/install/share/drcsim/
 # Test installation
 roslaunch drcsim_gazebo atlas.launch

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