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Hancheol Choi edited this page Feb 10, 2018 · 12 revisions


이 지침서는 장면과 물리적 성질을 수정하는 방법입니다. 가제보를 실행하세요

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Scene Properties

world에서 scene을 선택하세요 화면 하단의 삼각형을 누르면, 각 수치를 수정할수 있습니다.

이 성질은 은은한 빛을 변경합니다. sky사용이 설정되어 있으면, 배경색은 변화되지 않습니다.

Physics Properties

world에서 physics을 선택합니다.

화면 하단에 디스플레이 됩니다.

  • enable physics : 플러그인과 센서가 작동중일때, 물리 원칙이 적용않되게 할수있습니다.

  • The real time update rate parameter specifies in Hz the number of physics updates that will be attempted per second. If this number is set to zero, it will run as fast as it can. Note that the product of real time update rate and max step size represents the target real time factor, or ratio of simulation time to real-time.

  • The max step size specifies the time duration in seconds of each physics update step.

gravity block:

중력가속도의 방향을 x,y,z로 지정을 합니다.

In the solver block:

  • The iterations parameter specifies the number of iterations to use for iterative LCP solvers (used by ODE and bullet).

  • The SOR parameter stands for successive over-relaxation, which can be used to try to speed the convergence of the iterative method.

The constraints block:

The constraints block contains several parameters related to solving constraints:

The CFM and ERP parameters stands for Constraint Force Mixing and Error Reduction Parameter and are used by ODE and bullet. The CFM and ERP parameters can be related to linear stiffness and damping coefficients. The max velocity and surface layer parameters are used to resolve contacts with a split impulse method. Any contacts with that penetrate deeper than a depth specified by surface layer and have a normal velocity less than max velocity will not bounce. See the sdf physics documentation for a description of these parameters.

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