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HAPTIX Simulation World API with Custom World Example

hmhan1236 edited this page Mar 29, 2018 · 4 revisions


이 튜토리얼은 SDF를 사용하여 사용자 지정 world를 구축하는 방법을 보여준다. 또한 시뮬레이션 world API를 사용하여 객체 상호 작용을 감지하고 객체 색상을 조작하는 방법에 대한 간단한 예제를 제공한다. 설치 단계 및 [world API 튜토리얼]을( 이미 완료했다고 가정합니다.


API문서 전문은 여기를 참고하라. SDF 포맷를 사용하여 가제보 world를 구축하는 문서는 여기를 참고하라.

Matlab Example


먼저 SDF를 사용하여 world를 구축한다.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
  <world name="default">
    <plugin name="HaptixWorldPlugin" filename=""/>

      <camera name="user_camera">
        <pose>0 -0.6 1.3  0 0.4 1.57</pose>

      <plugin name="HaptixGUIPlugin" filename="">
        <default_size>25 25</default_size>
        <color_no_contact>255 255 255 0</color_no_contact>
        <color_max>255 0 0 255</color_max>
        <color_min>255 227 32 255</color_min>

          <contact name="mpl::rPalm0">
            <pos>150 200</pos>
            <size>50 100</size>
          <contact name="mpl::rPalm1">
            <size>50 100</size>
            <pos>85 200</pos>

          <contact name="mpl::rHandEdge">
            <pos>10 235</pos>
            <size>40 70</size>
          <contact name="mpl::rHandTop">
            <pos>299 55</pos>
            <size>25 31</size>

          <contact name="mpl::rThProximal1">
            <pos>245 240</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rThProximal2">
            <pos>275 195</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rThDistal">
            <pos>302 130</pos>

          <contact name="mpl::rIndProximal">
            <pos>218 116</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rIndMedial">
            <pos>233 43</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rIndDistal">
            <pos>248 -30</pos>

          <contact name="mpl::rMidProximal">
            <pos>152 98</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rMidMedial">
            <pos>155 19</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rMidDistal">
            <pos>153 -60</pos>

          <contact name="mpl::rRingProximal">
            <pos>84 101</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rRingMedial">
            <pos>74 41</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rRingDistal">
            <pos>64 -19</pos>

          <contact name="mpl::rLittleProximal">
            <pos>35 156</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rLittleMedial">
            <pos>14 105</pos>
          <contact name="mpl::rLittleDistal">
            <pos>-7 54</pos>


        <task_group name="Grasp">
          <task id="grasp_1" name="Block 10cm">
              Instructions: Pick up the 10 cm block and place it on top of the box.

          <task id="grasp_2" name="Block 2.5cm">
              Instructions: Pick up the 2.5 cm block and place it on top of the box.

          <task id="grasp_3" name="Block 5cm">
              Instructions: Pick up the 5 cm block and place it on top of the box.

          <task id="grasp_4" name="Block 7.5cm">
              Instructions: Pick up the 7.5 cm block and place it on top of the box.

          <task id="grasp_5" name="Cricket ball">
              Instructions: Pick up the cricket ball and place it on top of the box, inside of the tin lid.

          <task id="grasp_6"name="Stone">
              Instructions: Pick up the stone and place it on top of the box.

        <task_group name="Grip">
          <task id="grip_1" name="Cups">
              Instructions: Pour the marble from one cup into the other.

          <task id="grip_2" name="Tube 2.25cm">
              Instructions: Pick up the 2.25cm diameter tube and place it on the wooden peg.

          <task id="grip_3" name="Tube 1cm">
              Instructions: Pick up the 1cm diameter tube and place it on the metal peg.

          <task id="grip_4" name="Washer">
              Instructions: Pick up the washer and place it on the metal peg.

        <task_group name="Pinch">
          <task id="pinch_1" name="Ball bearing">
              Instructions: Pick up the ball bearing and place it on top of the box, inside of the tin lid.

          <task id="pinch_2" name="Marble">
              Instructions:   Pick up the marble and place it on top of the box, inside of the tin lid.

      <!-- Indices 0-5 are: tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz -->
          <arm inc_key="w" dec_key="s" index="0" increment=0.025></arm>
          <arm inc_key="a" dec_key="d" index="1" increment=0.025></arm>
          <arm inc_key="q" dec_key="e" index="2" increment=0.025></arm>
          <arm inc_key="W" dec_key="S" index="3" increment=0.025></arm>
          <arm inc_key="A" dec_key="D" index="4" increment=0.025></arm>
          <arm inc_key="Q" dec_key="E" index="5" increment=0.025></arm>

          <motor inc_key="z" dec_key="Z" index=0 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="x" dec_key="X" index=1 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="c" dec_key="C" index=2 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="1" dec_key="!" index=3 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="2" dec_key="@" index=4 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="3" dec_key="#" index=5 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="4" dec_key="$" index=6 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="5" dec_key="%" index=7 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="6" dec_key="^" index=8 increment=0.05></motor>
      <!-- I'm having trouble parsing "&" and "&amp;", so I'll just use
           "amp" and handle it in the code. -->
          <motor inc_key="7" dec_key="amp" index=9 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="8" dec_key="*" index=10 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="9" dec_key="(" index=11 increment=0.05></motor>
          <motor inc_key="0" dec_key=")" index=12 increment=0.05></motor>

          <grasp inc_key="1" dec_key="!" name="Spherical" increment="0.015"></grasp>
          <grasp inc_key="2" dec_key="@" name="Cylindrical" increment="0.015"></grasp>
          <grasp inc_key="3" dec_key="#" name="FinePinch(British)" increment="0.015"></grasp>
          <grasp inc_key="4" dec_key="$" name="FinePinch(American)" increment="0.015"></grasp>
          <grasp inc_key="5" dec_key="%" name="ThreeFingerPinch" increment="0.015"></grasp>
          <grasp inc_key="6" dec_key="^" name="Palmar(Tray)" increment="0.015"></grasp>
          <grasp inc_key="7" dec_key="amp" name="Hook" increment="0.015"></grasp>


      <plugin name="TimerGUIPlugin" filename="">
        <size>155 80</size>


   <physics type="ode">
      <gravity>0.000000 0.000000 -9.810000</gravity>
    <!-- debug model for assumed screen
         model in simulation frame,
         used for debugging pose transforms
         to check alignment of movement.
    <model name="screen">
      <pose>0 -0.65 1.5 0 0 0</pose>
      <link name="link">
        <visual name="visual">
          <pose>-0.25 -0.005 -0.1 0 0 0</pose>
              <size>0.5 0.01 0.2</size>

    <!-- A global light source -->

    <!-- A ground plane -->


     <pose>0.4 -0.7 1.2 0 0 3.1416</pose>

    <model name="polhemus_source">
      <pose>-.5 260 1.3 0 3.1416 1.57</pose>
      <link name="link">

        <visual name="visual">
              <size>0.05 0.05 0.05</size>

    <plugin name="arrange_polhemus" filename="">

      <arrangement name="no_polhemus">
        <pose model="polhemus_source">-.5 260 1.3 0 3.1416 1.57</pose>
      <arrangement name="have_polhemus">
        <pose model="polhemus_source">-.5 0 1.3 0 3.1416 1.57</pose>

    <plugin name="hydra" filename="">
      <pivot>0.04 0 0</pivot>
      <grab>0.12 0 0</grab>

    <model name="sphere_visual_model">
      <pose>0.3 0.0 1.35 0 0 3.1416</pose>
      <link name="sphere_link">
        <visual name="sphere_visual">
        <collision name="sphere_visual">


이 world 파일은 기본 arat.world와 매우 유사하며, 주요 차이점은 sphere_visual_model이 추가 된 것이다:

    <model name="sphere_visual_model">
      <pose>0.4 0.0 1.2 0 0 3.1416</pose>
      <link name="sphere_link">
        <visual name="sphere_visual">
        <collision name="sphere_visual">

다음은, 시각 구형 모델에 접촉 상태를 감지하는 간단한 Octave/Matlab을 작성하고, 다른 물체와 접촉 할 때 구체의 색상을 녹색에서 빨간색으로 바꾼다.

% test program that changes color of a sphere when it comes into contact
% with other objects (e.g. hand)

hxs_set_model_collide_mode('sphere_visual_model', 1);
pose = hxs_model_transform('sphere_visual_model');

while (true)
  % note that the color vector is defined by the RGBA 4-tuple:
  % The elements are ordered such that:
  %   color(1) = float value for the red component
  %   color(2) = float value for the green component
  %   color(3) = float value for the blue component
  %   color(4) = float value for the alpha component
  color = [0;1;0;1];
  if length(hxs_contacts('sphere_visual_model')) > 0,
    color = [1;0;0;1];
  hxs_set_model_color('sphere_visual_model', color);

  % move sphere around
  t = hx_read_sensors().time_stamp;
  p = pose;
  p.pos(1) = pose.pos(1) - 0.2*cos(1*t);
  hxs_set_model_transform('sphere_visual_model', p);


Get the code:

튜토리얼 파일을 다운로든 한다.

Haptix C-API Example


위의 Matlab 예제와 같은 world를 사용하여, 시각적 구형 모델에서 접촉 상태를 감지하는 간단한 C 코드를 작성하고 다른 객체와 접촉 할 때 구의 색상을 녹색에서 빨간색으로 변경한다:

 * Copyright (C) 2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Test program that changes color of a sphere model when it comes into contact
// with other objects (e.g. hand).
// Green sphere model moves along table, turns red upon making contact.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <haptix/comm/haptix_sim.h>
#include <haptix/comm/haptix.h>

#define RADII 6.28318530718

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int t2, t1 = 0;
  float reset = 0.0, time = 0.0;
  hxSensor t;
  hxsContactPoints contact_pts;
  hxsTransform pose, p;
  hxsColor color;
  hxsCollideMode collide_mode, one = hxsDETECTIONONLY;

  if (hx_connect(NULL, 0) != hxOK)
    printf("hx_connect(): Request error.\n");
    return -1;

  hxs_set_model_collide_mode("sphere_visual_model", &one);
  hxs_model_transform("sphere_visual_model", &pose);
  p = pose;

  while (1)
    // changes sphere color upon contact
    color.alpha = 1.0;
    color.b     = 0.0;
    color.g     = 1.0;
    color.r     = 0.0;
    hxs_contacts("sphere_visual_model", &contact_pts);
    if (contact_pts.contact_count > 0)
      color.alpha = 1.0;
      color.b     = 0.0;
      color.g     = 0.0;
      color.r     = 1.0;
    hxs_set_model_color("sphere_visual_model", &color);

    // take simulation time (nsec)
    t2 = t.time_stamp.nsec;

    // adjust time so that time_stamp reset does not also reset sphere position
    if (!t2 && t1)
      // if time_stamp reset then update 'reset tracker'
      reset = time;

    // adjust position of sphere
    time = fmod(0.01*t2, RADII) + reset;
    p.pos.x = pose.pos.x - 0.2*cos(time);
    hxs_set_model_transform("sphere_visual_model", &p);
    t1 = t2;


  return 0;

Haptix C API 튜토리얼의 컴파일 섹션에 나온 Haptix C API 코드와 마찬가지로 custom_world.c를 작성한다.

Get the code:

파일을 다운로드 한다:

Start Gazebo handsim simulation

예제 실행을 위해 터미널에서 가제보를 시작한다:


코드 실행: MATLAB, Octave on Linux

먼저 Matlab 또는 Octave 스크립트를 실행하는 방법에 대하여 world API 예제 섹션을 참고한다.

다음으로 Matlab 또는 Octave 명령 프롬프트에서 custom_world.m 스크립트를 호출하면 손이 통과 할 때 구형이 녹색에서 빨간색으로 바뀌어야한다.

Linux 사용자를 위한 힌트로, custom_world.m 실행 전에 옥타브 또는 matlab 프롬프트에서 haptix 스크립트에 대한 경로를 추가하여라:

path('[replace with your path to install]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/haptix-comm/octave', path)
path('[replace with path to your custom_world.m]', path)

코드 실행: Using C-API on Linux

Haptix C API 튜토리얼에서 시뮬레이션 섹션에 나와있는 Haptix C API 코드처럼 custom_world.c로부터 컴파일된 바이너리를 실행한다.

Example Video


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