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Export URDF in Solidworks
[생략가능].NET Framework V4 설치 및 업그레이드
sw_urdf_exporter 다운로드
- sw2urdfSetup.exe 실행 설치
- Solidwokrs상에서 "Tools>Add-ins"에서 SW2URDF 체크박스 선택하여 애드인 설정
- Solidwokrs상에서 "Tools>Add-ins"에서 SW2URDF 체크박스 선택하여 애드인 설정
- 최상위 어셈블리 트리상에 Link 모델이 되도록 어셈블리 재구성
- Link 모델간의 mate 조건을 추가하여 구속조건 부여 (joint의 특성에 맞도록 구속조건 부여)
- 어셈블리 및 파트의 물성치 설정 및 입력
- 어셈블리 원점 및 좌표계 확인
- 어셈블리 및 파트의 색상 및 텍스쳐 설정
Solidworks상의 메뉴에서 "File > Export to URDF" 실행
좌측 툴바상에서 모델 트리 생성 및 변경(Link_name / Joint_name / select_component / coordinate_system / joint_type )
모델트리 완성 후, "Preview and Export"클릭하여 내보내기 실행
Joint Property 설정(조인트타입/축방향/원점위치 등 확인)
Link Property 설정(원점/관성모멘트/Visual/Collision요소 등 확인)
Finish버튼을 클릭하여, urdf가 저장될 폴더 및 패키지이름 설정하여 저장 완료
- [package_name]folder
- [config]folder
- joint_names_(package_name).yaml
- [launch]folder
- display.launch
- gazebo.launch
- [meshes]folder
- (link1_name).stl
- ...
- (linkn_name).stl
- [textures]folder
- [urdf]folder
- (package_name).urdf
- CMakeLists.txt
- package.xml
- [config]folder
- [package_name]folder
sample cad model
https://grabcad.com/library/victim-search-robot-1 -
A Design Guide for Proper Exporting from Solidworks for Gazebo Simulation
http://blogs.solidworks.com/teacher/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/WPI-Robotics-SolidWorks-to-Gazebo.pdf -
Install Solidworks URDF exporter
http://wiki.ros.org/sw_urdf_exporter -
Export a SolidWorks Assembly to URDF
* (latest released : 09/01/2015 7:44 PM)
Robot Simulators
Build a Robot
- Model structure and requirements
- How to contribute a model
- Make a model
- Make a Mobile Robot
- The relationship among Link, Joint and Axis
- Import Meshes
- Attach Meshes
- Add a Sensor to a Robot
- Make a Simple Gripper
- Attach Gripper to Robot
- Nested model
- Model Editor
- Animated Box
- Make an animated model(actor)
- Inertial parameters of triangle meshes
- Visibility layers
Model Editor
Build a World
Tools and utilities
Write a plugin
User input
Transport Library
Rendering Library
Connect to ROS
Ros Control - Advanced
DRCSIM for ROS Kinetic (Ubuntu16.04)
- DRC Simulator installation
- Launchfile options
- Spawn Atlas into a custom world
- Animate joints
- Atlas Keyboard Teleoperation over ROS
- Teleoperate atlas with a music mixer
- Visualization and logging
- Atlas MultiSense SL head
- How to use the Atlas Sim Interface
- Atlas fake walking
- Grasp with Sandia hands
- DRC vehicle tele-operation
- DRC vehicle tele operation with Atlas
- Sending joint commands with ROS
- Atlas control over ROS with python
- Modify environment
- Atlas switching control modes
- Atlas Controller Synchronization over ROS Topics
- Changing Viscous Damping Coefficients Over ROS Service
- Running BDI controller demo
- Using the RobotiQ 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper
- BDI Atlas Robot Interface 3.0.0 Stand In Example
- HAPTIX software install and update
- HAPTIX Matlab and Octave API
- HAPTIX Simulation World API
- HAPTIX Teleoperation
- HAPTIX environment setup
- HAPTIX Optitrack Control
- HAPTIX Tactor Glove
- HAPTIX Simulation World API with Custom World Example
- HAPTIX logging
- HAPTIX DEKA Luke hand installation
- HAPTIX Simulation Scoring Plugin Example
Rviz & rqt & ROSBAG
- Control Theory
- TroubleShooting
- Solidworks model to URDF
- ROS-Gazebo with MATLab
- MATLab installation in Linux
- [Gazebo simulation with MATLab]