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rdmorin edited this page Jun 21, 2024 · 13 revisions

bibliography: 'morinlab.bib' csl: 'NLM.csl' link-citations: true



Mutations in BL were first described by Grande et al.1

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    title Publication timing
      2019-03-21 : Grande : BL

Relevance tier by entity

Entity Tier Description
BL 1 high-confidence BL gene[@grandeGenomewideDiscoverySomatic2019]

Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)

Entity source frequency (%)
BL GAMBL genomes+capture 10.16
BL Thomas cohort 10.60
BL Panea cohort 9.90

Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates

Entity aSHM Significant selection dN/dS (missense) dN/dS (nonsense)
BL No Yes 16.997 47.948
DLBCL No No 5.215 0.000
FL No No 0.000 0.000

View coding variants in ProteinPaint hg19 or hg38

View all variants in GenomePaint hg19 or hg38

TFAP4 Expression



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