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December 2016 Morning Status Meetings

sblondel edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 1 revision

This page contains a brief summary of the status of the Xolotl development team each morning during the month of December 2016.


Ozgur - Working on the UQ application for cumulative fraction of retained helium vs. tungsten depth for W111 with different physical processes.


Sophie - Generalizing the flux handler so that it takes the concentration vector and updates it. Test the surface growth with additional mobile I clusters.
Ozgur - Working on Khachik Sargsyan's new revisions in UQ paper.


Ozgur - Completing the extra UQ figures with high flux and different surface orientations.
Sophie - Changing the way craters burst and testing it in 2D. Comparing the surface growth to MD.


Sophie - Look at the earlier attempt to have front tracking in 1D. Prepare the presentation for tomorrow PSI telecon.


Ozgur - Working on the fourth version of the UQ paper. Running high helium flux simulations for W100.
Sophie - Cleaning up the unused branches. Continuing to test the bubble bursting in 2D.


Ozgur - Continuing high helium flux UQ simulations with W100 (helium retention vs. fluence).


Ozgur - Completing high helium flux UQ simulations with W100 (helium retention vs. fluence), and initiating low-flux runs.
Sophie - Creating a new TRIDYN flux handler to read from a input file. Trying to understand what is going wrong with simulations with initial V concentration.


Sophie - Starting the draft for the bursting paper. Running more bursting simulations.
Ozgur - Continuing UQ runs for W100 with low-helium-flux.


Ozgur - Starting UQ runs for combined MD (W100) and SRIM data with low-helium-flux. Revising the UQ paper with the new figures.


Sophie - Continuing of the bursting paper draft and launching more bursting simulations.


Ozgur - Starting UQ runs for combined MD (W100) and SRIM data with high-helium-flux. Working on the presentation for PSI-SciDAC call on December 21st.


Ozgur - Completing UQ runs for combined MD (W100) and SRIM data with high-helium-flux, and rewriting the results section of new version of the UQ paper.


Ozgur - Working on the tomorrow's presentation for PSI-SciDAC call.


Ozgur - Working on the fifth version of the UQ paper and todays presentation for PSI-SciDAC call.


Ozgur - Working on the forward propagation method for MD and SRIM data using classical likelihood construction.


Ozgur - Adding three more papers to the literature survey part of the UQ paper, and making a few changes in methodology section.


Ozgur - Working on further changes in UQ paper. Continuing the UQ runs with classical likelihood approach.

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