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November 2016 Morning Status Meetings

sblondel edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 1 revision

This page contains a brief summary of the status of the Xolotl development team each morning during the month of November 2016.


Sophie - Running test case 4 for xenon. Cleaning the way the attenuation is computed in the xenon branch.


Sophie - Figuring out why the grouping method gives segmentation fault in the xenon branch. Merging the performance xenon branch back in the xenon branch.
Ozgur - Working on the Xolotl version, which is used in UQ scripts.


Ozgur - Continuing to work on the Xolotl version, which is used in UQ scripts. Retrying UQ runs with tungsten with surface orientations.


Sophie - Add new tests to the xenon branch.
Ozgur - Working on a uq_branch of Xolotl.


Ozgur - Working on Khachik Sargsyan's revisions on UQ paper.
Sophie - Checking that the start-stop HDF5 files work correctly in the xenon branch. Running more xenon test cases to get sizes distributions.


Ozgur - Wrapping up the UQ branch of Xolotl.
Sophie - Running static analysis on the xenon branch. Running more bubble bursting simulations.


Sophie - Figuring out why the xenon branch gives a segfault in 2D and running more bubble bursting simulations. Merge the xenon branch with the trunk and update the wiki accordingly.
Ozgur - Working on the problems in uq_branch of Xolotl.


Ozgur - Running simulations for the second version of UQ paper draft.
Sophie - Gathering all the xenon test cases data, running more bubble bursting simulations, starting to look at how to add licensing information.


Ozgur - Working on the second version of UQ paper draft. Fixing a few minor problems in uq-branch of Xolotl and model-error scripts.
Sophie - Switching the way to compute the attenuation back to only considering HeV clusters. Looking at Xolotl compatibility with the recent CMake.


Ozgur - Continuing to work on the second version of UQ paper draft.
Sophie - Changing the way the bubble bursting works to take into account the total helium concentration from the surface and not just at a grid point, testing it.


Sophie - Continuing to test the new bubble bursting.


Sophie - Comparing the memory usage with 32 or 64 bits integers.


Sophie - Investigating what is not working with the trunk in 2D in parallel.
Ozgur - Writing the literature survey section of the UQ paper. Trying to reproduce the cumulative fraction of retained helium figure for W111 with diffusion, diffusion+drift, diffusion+trap-mutation, and diffusion+drift+trap-mutation using UQ branch.


Sophie - Running bubble bursting simulations.
Ozgur - Working on the 4th version of the UQ paper.


Sophie - Gathering data from bubble bursting simulations.
Ozgur - Continuing on literature survey for the first UQ paper.


Ozgur - Running UQ scripts for W111 using different process options (diffusion, advection, and trap-mutation).

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